
The Easier Way To

Invest in Property

An OKIVEST Investor shares the ownership of the property with an Occupier that pays the Investor rent.

While the general benefits of this type of investment are essentially the same with any investment property, the OKIVEST way varies in some important ways.

All you need is 50% of the property value

We match the other 50% with an owner occupier

You are now a proud Property Investor


You can enter the property market earlier as the cost is halved

You are accumulating wealth through property price increases sooner

You have a tenant that treats the property like their own. Because it is their own!

With OKIVEST there are no vacancy periods, so you get rent for a full 12 months every year.


OKIVEST will give you access to manage your property via an easy-to-use portal.

This will give you access to your rental receipts, your bills and view your fnancial statement.

It will give you the ability to raise maintenance cases, giving you piece of mind that any issues that may arise will be managed and resolved.

Exclusive Log In To OKIVEST Portal

View all your financial & administration work

All your investment transactions & correspondence at your fnger tips

Easily manage multiple properties

Maintenance requests